PinkPharma - Food Supplements & Cosmetics

Yours. New.

High-quality food supplements & cosmetics​ online store

Food supplement and cosmetics market is highly competitive with brands vying for attention. However, most of these competitors within this niche prioritize profit over quality, leaving consumers wanting high-quality products.

This is where PinkPharma team saw its opportunity. By focusing on high-quality, women-centric food supplements and cosmetics, they carved out a unique market niche – a so cold “blue ocean” in a crowded niche.

PinkPharma team offers everything from top-tier immune-boosting vitamins to natural beauty products. This way disturbing the existing niche with quality products and without breaking the bank.

PinkPharma isn’t just a simple food supplements and cosmetics online store – it’s a movement. They’re the flagbearers for a new standard within the niche – one that prioritizes both beauty, health, and most importantly quality products.

Paid Media Channels



Increased website traffic


Increased eCommerce sales


Average ROAS

The Challenge

PinkPharma’s journey began with a glaring observation that food supplements and cosmetics niche was jammed with competitors that inflate margins on products for questionable quality. They saw a gap – a chance to serve higher-class city women with exceptional products at fair prices.

PinkPharma positioned itself as a premium food supplements and cosmetics e-commerce store, offering finest quality, hand-picked food supplements, and cosmetics for discerning city women. The initial challenge was establishing brand recognition in a saturated market. Building trust is essential for driving sales and further growth.

To navigate the online landscape and generate sales, PinkPharma sought to find new advertising partners that could help them craft a winning online strategy.

The Strategy

After collaborating and having several meetings with our new partner, PinkPharma, we crafted a strategy for Google and Facebook Ads targeting upscale women living in major cities. However, initial hurdles arose. Both platforms’ algorithms needed time and data to understand what purchase conversions mean for us to optimize campaign’s performance. Additionally, early on narrow audience focus limited the data we could feed the algorithms.

A key takeaway was broadening the target audience initially. This provided the algorithms with more data to refine our reach and identify potential customers. Interestingly, at least 10% of early sales came from men, highlighting the value of a wider audience perspective and a sign to stop focusing so narrowly only on women.

In Google Ads, we began with a broad focus on PinkPharma’s diverse products. Through trial and error, we discovered that highlighting the brand alongside its flagship product yielded the best results. Conversely, Meta Ads revealed the power of catalog ads, with carousel and static ads outperforming video ads for these specific campaigns.

Through continuous A/B testing and optimization, website traffic surged by 285%, sales by 164%, and ROAS averaged a healthy 8.7, with Google Ads leading the charge. However, credit goes here beyond paid media team. PinkPharma’s effort for website migration and traffic generation through organic and various other channels, including influencers played a remarkable role.

Our partnership with PinkPharma is a testament to the importance of client involvement. Success wasn’t achieved solely by the advertising agency, and it required massive input from the client’s side too. Summing up reaching peak online performance necessitates an effective collaboration between the agency and client.

The results

PinkPharma - Food Supplements & Cosmetics​

Our online advertising strategy, utilizing Google and Facebook Ads, has successfully driven website traffic, doubled sales, and maintained a healthy 8.7 ROAS across both channels.

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Website Traffic

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Increased Sales


Average ROAS

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